Vessel & Pigmentation Removal (Special Offer)
The Cutera LimeLight is a non-invasive light-based treatment that we customise to best treat the skin condition, resulting in an exceptional skin rejuvenation treatment with minimal discomfort.
When the light is being delivered into the skin you will feel a slight hot sting that reduces quite quickly after each pulse and a cooling gel is applied to reduce the heat experienced after the treatment. If you find the skin to have more sensitive skin to heat, this treatment is still most likely suitable for you and the treatment will be adjusted to assist with comfort and obtain a therapeutic effect in the skin to have your desired outcome achieved.
Buy 2, Get 1 Free
How many treatments will I need and how frequently?
Three treatments performed once monthly are usually sufficient to see results with the LimeLight. Additional treatments may be recommended, especially for excessively sun- damaged skin. Being an exceptionally effective treatment, we can achieve a positive result in as little as 1 treatment, balancing skin tone and significantly improves the complexion by reducing pigmentation, redness and visible broken capillaries in the skin.

What skin conditions does the LimeLight Treat?
The LimeLight treats capillary and pigmented imperfections caused by photo damage. These commonly known as, rosacea, diffused redness, sunspots and freckles. We use this device to treat most areas of the body with the face, neck, decolletage, shoulders, arms, hands and lower legs being the most popular areas treated at About Face.