Nasolabial Folds
Nasolabial folds are part of our natural facial structures, everyone will have this fold or line from the corners of the nose to the outer corners of the mouth. As our natural aging process progresses these lines become more prominent and are associated with ‘sagging’ of the skin. Loss of volume to the cheek area can also play a role with this area of concern.
Your skilled injecting practitioner will treat this area with caution and aim to only add a small amount of dermal filler to restore a natural look rather than a complete smooth appearance which could look unnatural if overfilled.
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Am I suitable for nasolabial fold fillers?
During an in-depth consultation your injecting practitioner will thoroughly assess the area and determine if nasolabial fold treatment is suitable for you. Factors to determine are assessing the extent of volume and if balance is best restored through nasolabial fold treatment.
Your skilled injecting practitioner will be able to determine on the day of your consultation if this treatment will be successful for your concerns or if an alternative area to treat will define better results such as cheek augmentation.

What's involved with nasolabial fold treatment?
A skilled injecting practitioner can carry out nasolabial fold treatment safely while assessing areas of balance such as cheeks to determine if this procedure will deliver your desired aesthetic outcome while maintaining a natural, balanced look. Results can last from 9-18 months.
The appropriate product is determined and injected using a fine needle to the area of concern. Nasolabial fold treatment is well tolerated due to our inbuilt aesthetic within the product. Minimal bruising and swelling is to be expected which resolves within 5 days post treatment and can be covered using mineral concealer.
Nasolabial fold treatment is complemented with cheek augmentation treatment, adding volume to facial structure, creating lift and definition.
How much does a nasolabial fold treatment cost?
Treatment costs vary from patient to patient. When determining cost we calculate dosage per mls and selected product used. Dosage is estimated through factors such as desired outcome, extent of volume loss and even longevity of the effects.
All considerations and estimates are communicated prior to treatment within consultation. On an average basis this treatment can vary from $650-$850 for 1ml and packaged $1100-$1450 for 2ml.